Elmarreen MOORE

Female 1812 - 1851  (39 years)

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  • Name Elmarreen MOORE  [1, 2, 3
    Born 1812  , , Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Gender Female 
    Name Elvirareen Lee 
    Name Emmaline Moore 
    Died 18 Aug 1851  , , Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Person ID I726  An Armstrong & A Heffernan
    Last Modified 14 Jul 2020 

    Father John MOORE,   b. Abt 1782,   d. Deceased 
    Mother Elizabeth ???,   b. Abt 1787,   d. 8 Jul 1850, , Sumner, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 63 years) 
    Married Abt 1807 
    Family ID F444  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family William James LEE,   b. 4 Sep 1801, , , Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 29 Sep 1891, , , Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 90 years) 
    Married 29 Dec 1839  , , Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
     1. John Edward LEE,   b. 31 Oct 1840, , Sumner, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Aft 1859  (Age 19 years)
     2. Alford James LEE,   b. 23 Oct 1842, , Sumner, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 9 Jun 1873  (Age 30 years)
     3. Thomas Richard LEE,   b. 17 Jan 1845, , Sumner, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 6 Oct 1927, , Sumner, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 82 years)
     4. Siscilla LEE,   b. 1847, , Sumner, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Bef 1851, , , Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 3 years)
     5. Mary Elizabeth LEE,   b. 1 Feb 1849, , Sumner, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 23 Mar 1939, Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 90 years)
     6. Leatha Elvira LEE,   b. 24 Jul 1851, , Sumner, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 18 Aug 1851, , Sumner, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 0 years)
    Last Modified 14 Jul 2020 
    Family ID F354  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 1812 - , , Tennessee, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarried - 29 Dec 1839 - , , Tennessee, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDied - 18 Aug 1851 - , , Tennessee, USA Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Notes 
    • These records seem to indicate that Elmarena was alive at the outset but she is not on the 1860 Census with her family. However, William and Doxey were married in 1853 so Elmarena could not have been his living wife in Oct 1854.

      Sumner County, TN Court Records, Lawsuit #6804
      From the Loose Records of Sumner Co, TN
      Moore, Elizabeth (dec'd), report, 1854
      The heirs of Elizabeth Moore expartee
      The commissioned Wm. J. Lee appointed in the cause to sell the land mentioned in the: Bill under former orders in the cause Reports that he Sold the land mentioned to Silvans Hermans (?) for the sum of $231.121 dollars and that the lot at Mitchellville was bid off by Letha W. Green at the sum of 100 dollars Hermans has paid his Mrs. Letha Green part is unpaid she being a legatee and the Commissioners understanding has been that Alfred P. Moris (Moore?) has consented that his part of the estate goes to Mrs. Green and he believes that both interests will buy (or pay) off the debt and all has been settled off in that way. Wm. J. Lee is ______ & Commissioner. He desires that title be vested. Wm. J. Lee

      William J. Lea and others
      Final Decree
      Be it remembered
      that the above cause coming on for final hearing at the present term of the court was heared on this the 22nd day of October 1854 before his Honor Nathaniel Baxter Judge el(?) upon the pleadings in this cause and the report of Wm. J. Lea, the Commissioner which is word for word as follows: "The heirs of Elizabeth Moore Exparte, The commissioner W. J. Lea appointed in the cause to sell the land mentioned in the Bill Ano former orders in the cause - Reports that he sold the land mentioned to Sylvanus Hermans(?) for the sum of $231.121 and that the lot at Mitchellville was bid off by Leatha W. Green at the sum of $100- Hermans(?) has paid his purchase money Mrs. Green's purchase money is unpaid. She being a legatee, and the commissioner's understanding has been that Alfred J. Moore has consented that his part of the estate goes to Mrs. Green and he supposes that both interests will pay off the purchase money and all has been settled off in that way. Wm. J. Lea is administrator and commissioner and desires that title be vested. Wm. J. Lea which being unexcepted to is in all things confirmed by the Court. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by that all the right, title and interest which the heirs and representatives of Mrs. Elizabeth Moore dec'd have in and to said ____ lot at Mitchellville and the tract of land known by the following Boundaries towit Beginning at the North East corner of Mitchell's 44 acre tract Then running East 40 poles to Warren Barr's South West corner Then South 85 poles to Wm. M.C. Bain's(?) north boundary line. Then West 40 poles to the South East Corner at Mitchell's 44 acre tract. Then North with the line of the same 85 poles to the Beginning containing about 21 acres by the same, more of less--it being a part of the tract purchased by the said Elizabeth Moore of Henry M. Rutledge, be and the same is hereby divested out of _____ and the said Lot vested in Leatha W. Green the purchaser and the land vested in Sylvains Herman(?) the purchaser thru him and assigns respectively for ever. William J. Lea, the Commissioner will pay the costs of this proceeding for which execution may expire(?), a certified copy of this decree will be furnished for Registration.

      To the Honorable Thomas Manning (or maybe Maury)
      Judge of Chancellor Setting at Gallatin for the County of Sumner
      Your petioner (sic) William Lee and his wife Elmareen Lee, James Moore, Lethe W. Green, Martin Payne, Martha, Margaret, Priscilla, Greenwood and Adalade, Elvira [and] Jane Payne. The last seven who are minors and petition by their next friend Zachariah Payne would represent unto your Honor that Mrs. Elizabeth Moore departed this life in the summer of 1850 seized and possessed (in her' crossed out) of a tract of land containing 21 acres in the county of Sumner and left your petitioners as her heirs at law. Petitioner shows that the Elmareen Lee is the daughter of the said Elizabeth the said Wm Lee having intermarried with her and further the minors who are petitioners are the children of Elvira Payne (are the children' crossed out) the daughter of the said Elizabeth and the said Elvira departed this life before her mother leaving the said minors or her husband as her heirs at law. The Lethe Greene is also the daughter of the said Elizabeth her husband Greene died some years ago. Your petitioner would further show your Honor that a division of the said land is wholly unpracticable between petitioners and that is manifestly for their interest that it should be sold. Your petioners (sic) would show your Honor that Alexander Moore formerly owned a lot in the town of Mitchellville in Sumner County the greater portion of the lot is in Sumner County it being situated on the line dividing the Counties of Robertson and Sumner's. Petioners (sic) state that the said Alexander was the son of the said Elizabeth the common(?) ancestor and that petitioner are his only heirs at Law the said Alexander having died without any wife or children. Petioners (sic) aver that a sale of the said lot would be manifestly for the interest of the Petitioners. The previous(?) considered your petioners (sic) pray that the said 21 acres and the said Lot be sold and the proceeds be divided among those entitled thereto.
      by Attorney
      J. A. McMurry?

      William J Lee & his wife Elmareen, James Moore, Leatha W. Green and Martha Payne and Margaret, Priscilla, Greenwood, Adalade, Elvira, Jane and Martin Van Buren Payne by this for this and next friend Zachariah Payne. Exparte
      Be it remembered that the above cause coming on to be heard at the present term on the Honorable Circuit Court of Sumner before the Honl. Thomas Maury(?) Judge, __ on 22nd day of October 1851 upon the Report of William J. Lee the Commissioner in the cause which is as follows to wit (hear (sic) insert it) Which being unexcepted to is in all things considered by the Court. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that the said William J. Lee hold said notes until this fall when he will collect the same and after paying to Munday(?) & McMaury(?) $15 as a fee for obtaining du____ (?) in this Court and paying the cost of this proceeding he will pay over the balance of the fund to petitioners as they are respectively entitled that is to say -- One fourth of the fund to James Moore, one fourth to Leatha Green; one fourth part to the heirs of Elvira Payne dec'd. to wit, Martha, Margaret, Priscilla, Greenwood, Adalade, Elvira, Jane and Martin Van Buren Payne and he will retain the remaining one fourth in his own right. A lien is retained upon the land and house and lot until all purchase money is paid.

      William J Lea, Elmareen Lea and others
      In pursuance to the introductory decree made at the June Term 1851 of the Honl. Circuit Court of Sumner directing me to advertise and make sale of the tract and lot of land mentioned in the pleadings I submit the following Report. I gave the notice as directed by the decree twenty days before the sale of the time, place and terms of the sale, and on the 30th day of August I offered the said tract and lot of ground at public sale and Sylvanos Herman(?) being the best and highest bidder for the tract of land containing twenty one and a half acres the same was struck off to him for ten dollars & 75 cents per acre amounting to two hundred thirty one dollars 121 cents. For the payment of which I took the bonds of the said Hermans(?) in equal amounts with Thos. Heronans security payable one and two years from 30th day of August 1851. L. W. Green being the highest bidder for the lot and house mentioned in pleadings the same was struck off to her for the sum of one hundred dollars for the payment of which I took her bonds in equal amounts payable in one and two years from the date of the sale with A. J. Moore Security.
      Wm. J. Lee Commissioner

      William J. Lee Elmareen his wife, James Moore, Leatha W. Green and Martha Payne, Margaret, Priscilla, Greenwood, Adalade, Elvira and Jane Payne by their next friend Zachariah Payne Exparte
      Petition for Sale of land
      Introductory Decree
      Be it remembered that the above cause called(?) on to be heard before the Honorable Thomas M_______ Judge on the 27th day of June 1851 upon the petition and the proof in the cause and it satisfactorily approving(?) to the court that the twenty one acres of land and lot in Mitchellville mentioned in the petition can not be advantageously divided between petitioners and that it is manifestly to the interest of all the parties interested that the same be sold and the proceeds divided between petitioners. It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the court the said twenty one acres of land and lot mentioned in petition be sold and the proceeds divided between petitioners under the Statutes of dec__t(?). It is further ordered that William I Lee be appointed commissioner to conduct and make the sale, he agreeing to do the same without charge. Said Commissioner shall have discretionary power to sell said land and lot for cash or upon a credit either at private or public Sale, if at public Sale he will give at least twenty days notice in writing of the time and place of Sale and if upon a credit let it be at one and two years and a lien retained upon the land and lot until the purchase money is paid, taking bond with approved security--the twenty one acres not to be sold for less than four dollars per acre and the lot for not less than $50. Commissioner to report to next term of this Court.

  • Sources 
    1. [S28] 1850 Sumner, TN, pg 559-60 (280B-281A).
      Elmarena Lee

    2. [S548] Sumner County, TN Court Records, Lawsuit #6804, (1854).
      Elvirareen Lee, daughter of Elizabeth Moore

    3. [S275] Death Certificate, Blackmore, Mary Elizabeth #4763.
      Emmaline Moore

    4. [S28] 1850 Sumner, TN, pg 559-60 (280B-281A).
      age 38
      The enumerator got lazy and only wrote the birth place if it changed. The last entry above Elmarena in the birth place column is Tennessee.

    5. [S2704] Bible, Lee Family of Sumner County, Family Record. Deaths.
      "My Beloved Wife; Elmareen Who was kind and affectionate in Sickness and in health; Departed this Life on the morning of the 18th day of August AD 1851;"

    6. [S2704] Bible, Lee Family of Sumner County, Family Record. Marriages.
      "William J Lee & Elmarree??? Moore was Married the 29th day of December A.D. 1839"

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