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| Disney, Elizabeth Hannah Martin married James Disney
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| Disney, Hoyt and Judy son of Durwood Disney
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| Disney, Hoyt Ray
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| Disney, James Harrison he had light-colored eyes
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| Disney, John Clark Status: Located; an uncle
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| Disney, Lucy Belle James Harrison had daughters named Lucy and Belle, I don't know which this is but think it's probably Lucy.
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| Disney, Lula Anderson, Harvey and Durwood
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| Emerson, Ralph and Effie Headstone
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| Fincher Family The photo is titled George Thomas Fincher. I believe it could be Richard Thomas Fincher and Bell Armstrong with one of their babies.
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| Forrey, Mary Grace Death Certificate
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| Gardner, Henrietta Hendrix death certificate
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| Gardner, Walter Harvey death certificate
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| George, Albert D Status: Located; Headstone - this is a large, double stone.
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| George, Betty J [Reynolds] Status: Located; Headstone - This is a large, double stone.
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| George, Frank and Laura [Armstrong] Status: Located; Headstone
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| George, Lawrence Status: Located; Headstone
I don't know the relationship between Bonnie and Lawrence. Bonnie's maiden name was Beck.
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| Gibson, Anna Armstrong Death Certificate
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| Glass, Charles Glenn This is a more recent photo.
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| Glass, Lisa Ann daughter of Charles and Mary
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| At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
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| Green, Nettie Mae Armstrong Status: Located;
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| Green, Nettie Mae, Joe (right) and Jack
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| Gummelt, Annie Senn death certificate
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| Hayes, Shirley Disney with daughter, Fawn I believe
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| Heffernan home in Ireland This is the house where Michael was born and raised.
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| Heffernan, Betty O'Neal
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| Heffernan, Colleen
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| Heffernan, Flo Rickert
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| Heffernan, Florence Rickert
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| Heffernan, Gina & Oak He sat in my lap! My good boy. Taken at Gigi Heffernan's house.
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| Heffernan, Gina Armstrong at Family reunion
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| Heffernan, Jack and Betty
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| Heffernan, Jack Jr and Cnoc an Doire Willow "Willie"
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| Heffernan, James Forrey with James Jr.
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| Heffernan, James Forrey (1905-1967)
with James Jr "Jimmy" (1926-1996)
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| Heffernan, John & Gina Armstrong Jack and Gina at a party at George Armstrong's house
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| Heffernan, John Joseph
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| Heffernan, John Joseph
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| Heffernan, John Joseph "Jack" At a party at George Armstrong's house.
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| Heffernan, Michael, Annie Forrey, Joseph, John and Frank. Family portrait
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| Holder, Aubrey Glen Status: Located; Headstone
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| Holder, Aubrey Glen son of Don and LaVon
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| Holder, Ina Lucille death certificate
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| Holder, Mary Black death certificate
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| Holder, Myrtle [Gilbert] Headstone
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| Holder, Nettie Shepheard death certificate
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| Holder, Pryor Fonval Father of William Albert
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| Holder, Pryor Fonval death certificate
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| Holder, T Van death certificate
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| Holder, Wilburn Saul Headstone